Remote Video / Teleconference

The land on which we gather is on the traditional unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Matsqui and Semiahmoo First Nations.


THAT the October 7, 2024 regular agenda be adopted as circulated.

Before the motion is made to approve the Consent Agenda, a Council member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and dealt with separately; additionally, a Council member may request that one or more items on the Regular Council Agenda be included on the Consent Agenda, and if no one objects, it will be so listed and considered.

Where no recommendation is noted, the agenda item is deemed to be received for information.


THAT the following item(s) be approved:


THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held on September 23, 2024 be adopted as circulated.


THAT the minutes of the special meeting held on September 23, 2024 be adopted as circulated.

See Consent Agenda



First and second reading of a bylaw to rezone the property located at 20501 Logan Avenue from C2 Service commercial Zone to CD98 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a multi-phase apartment and commercial mixed-use transit-oriented development with heights of up to 14 storeys.

The Corporate Officer to advise if statutory notice requirements were met.

The Director of Development Services to introduce the bylaw.

The applicant team to present the proposed development.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No.2100 Amendment No. 207, 2024, No. 3287" be read a first and second time.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to exempt certain lands and improvements from municipal taxation for the year 2025.


THAT the bylaw cited as the “Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2024, No. 3293” be read a first, second and third time.


  1. THAT the Proposal submitted by Emterra Environmental for “Solid Waste & Organics Collection Services (January 2025 – December 2031)”, dated July 26, 2024 be endorsed, and


  2. THAT the Director of Engineering, Parks & Environment be authorized to finalize the contract prices with Emterra Environmental for solid waste and organics collection and disposal services for residential dwellings and civic facilities, and


  3. THAT the Corporate Officer and the Director of Engineering, Parks & Environment be authorized to execute the contract between Langley City and Emterra Environmental for solid waste and organics collection and disposal services for residential dwellings and civic facilities based on Emterra’s proposal.

"THAT the Director of Corporate Services or his or her designate be appointed to bid on behalf of the municipality for any City of Langley Tax Sales."


THAT the meeting adjourn.