Council Chambers, Langley City Hall
20399 Douglas Crescent

Public meetings held in Council Chambers are livestreamed and recorded. The video recordings are available on the City’s website for public viewing. 

The land on which we gather is on the traditional unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Matsqui and Semiahmoo First Nations.


THAT the February 24, 2025 regular agenda be adopted as circulated.

A Committee of the Whole meeting provides Council a greater opportunity to speak to and debate specific agenda items.


THAT Council commence the Committee of the Whole.

Presentation from:

Jerry Dobrovolny, Commissioner/CAO, Metro Vancouver
Cheryl Nelms, General Manager, Project Delivery


THAT Committee of the Whole Rise and Report.

Before the motion is made to approve the Consent Agenda, a Council member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and dealt with separately; additionally, a Council member may request that one or more items on the Regular Council Agenda be included on the Consent Agenda, and if no one objects, it will be so listed and considered.

Where no recommendation is noted, the agenda item is deemed to be received for information.


THAT the following item(s) be approved:


THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 10, 2025 be adopted as circulated.


THAT the minutes of the special meeting held on January 27 and February 10, 2025 be adopted as circulated.



Final reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 20719-20731 Eastleigh Crescent  from RM1 Multiple Residential Low Density Zone to CD95 Comprehensive Development Zone to accommodate a 5-storey, 132-unit apartment  development.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 202, 2024, No. 3277" be read a final time.

20719-20731 Eastleigh Crescent


THAT Development Permit No. 13-23 to accommodate 5-storey, 132-unit apartment development at 20719-20731  Eastleigh Crescent be approved.

See Consent Agenda



First and second reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 5080 & 5096 208 Street from RS1 Single Family Residential Zone to CD107 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a 10-unit townhome development.

The Corporate Officer to advise if statutory notice requirements were met.

The Director of Development Services to introduce the bylaw.

The applicant team to present the proposed development.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 217, 2025, No. 3304" be read a first and second time.

Third reading of a bylaw to adopt the Financial Plan for 2025 - 2029.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Financial Plan 2025 – 2029 Bylaw, 2025, No. 3308" be read a third time.

*Should discussion of some topics require it, Council may resolve into a closed session under sections 90(1)(c), (d), (i), (k), (l), (n), and (2)(b), in which case the public will be excused from that portion of the meeting and the livestreaming and recording of the meeting will be paused until Council resumes the open session.


WHEREAS the housing crisis in British Columbia is influenced by both insufficient housing supply and escalating demand pressures, leading to affordability challenges and housing insecurity that forces many individuals and families into unsafe and precarious living conditions, increasing their vulnerability to exploitation and victimization; and

WHEREAS preventive strategies, including the provision of adequate supports and access to portable rental subsidies, are essential to maintain housing stability and prevent homelessness;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia, in partnership with local governments and non-profit housing providers, expand programs to reduce housing vulnerability by expanding portable rental subsidies, enhancing support services, investing in preventive strategies, and providing direct grants to municipalities.


WHEREAS food insecurity remains a critical issue in British Columbia, exacerbated by climate change, economic instability, and supply chain disruptions, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations, Indigenous communities, and socioeconomically disadvantaged regions; and

WHEREAS a resilient and inclusive food system requires sustained investment, cross-sector collaboration, and policies that integrate infrastructure development, technological innovation, cultural food systems, and community-driven approaches to ensure equitable access to nutritious food, economic resilience, and regional food security;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Province of British Columbia collaborate with municipalities to develop and implement a comprehensive food security and well-being strategy that ensures sustainable investment in local food systems, strengthens regional and provincial food networks, promotes innovation in agriculture and food technology, and enhances access to culturally appropriate, affordable, and nutritious food for all communities.


THAT the following resolution(s) be submitted to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association (LMLGA) for consideration of endorsement at the 2025 LMLGA Conference:

<Insert approved resolution(s)>

Councillor Mack


WHEREAS The current “Minute-taking Standards for Open and Closed Meetings”, Policy CO-74, doesn’t require movers and seconders for motions to be documented in the Minutes; AND

WHEREAS To promote transparency and increase the ease at which members of the public can access information about the actions taken by their elected representatives; AND

WHEREAS To accurately attribute the work put in, to the specific Member(s) of Council completing said work;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to update Policy CO-74 as required so that movers and seconders will be documented in the minutes of Open and Closed Meetings of Council moving forward.

See Consent Agenda


THAT the meeting adjourn.