Council Chambers, Langley City Hall
20399 Douglas Crescent


THAT the April 17, 2023 regular agenda be adopted as circulated.


THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 3, 2023 be adopted as circulated.


THAT the minutes of the special (pre-closed) meetings held on April 3, 2023 be adopted as circulated.

Regular Council Meeting – May 1, 2023
Regular Council Meeting – May 8, 2023



Final reading of a bylaw to regulate the conduct of Council members


THAT the bylaw cited as "Council Code of Conduct Bylaw, 2023, No. 3225" be read a final time.

Final reading of a bylaw to enter into an Inter-municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Scheme


THAT the bylaw cited as "Inter-municipal Transportation Network Services Business Licence Bylaw, 2023, No. 3239" be read a final time.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to Levy property value taxes for municipal purposes for the year 2023


THAT the bylaw cited as "2023 Tax Rates Bylaw, 2023 No. 3240" be read a first, second and third time.


THAT the report from the Manager of Engineering Services dated April 17, 2023 regarding amendments to Floodplain Elevation Bylaw, No. 2768 be received for information.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to reduce exposure to risk for new development by reducing the potential for damage to structures and property due to flooding


THAT the bylaw cited as "Floodplain Elevation Bylaw, No. 2768, Amendment No. 1, 2023, No. 3232" be read a first, second and third time.


THAT the report of the Manager of Engineering Services dated April 17, 2023 regarding:
The proposed new Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Regulations Bylaw, 2023, No. 3210;
The proposed amendments to the Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2010, No. 2837; and
The proposed amendments to the City’s Municipal Ticket Information System Bylaw, 2011, No. 2846
be received for information.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to regulate the use of sanitary sewers and storm sewers in the City of Langley and to establish terms and conditions under which the services may be given


THAT the bylaw cited as "Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Regulation Bylaw, No. 3210" be read a first, second and third time.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to amend the Fees and Charges Bylaw to set sanitary sewer usage fees


THAT the bylaw cited as "Fees and Charges Bylaw, 2010, Bylaw No. 2837, Amendment No. 33, 2023, No. 3214" be read a first, second and third time.

First, second and third reading of a bylaw to amend fees in the Municipal Ticket Information System bylaw related to sanitary sewer and storm sewer regulations


THAT the bylaw cited as "Municipal Ticket Information System Bylaw, 2011, No. 2846, Amendment No. 19, 2023, No. 3212" be read a first, second and third time.


THAT Council approve the Crime Prevention Committee 2023 Annual Work Plan.


THAT Council approves the Township of Langley’s chosen representative, Councillor Barb Martens as a designate for election to the E-Comm Board of Directors for each of the Board’s yearly terms between 2023-2027.

THAT Council approves the City of Surrey’s chosen representative as a designate for election to the E-Comm Board of Directors for each of the Board’s yearly terms between 2023-2027.


1.    THAT Council bring forward an amendment bylaw to the Parks and Public Facilities Regulations Bylaw, 2018, No. 3048 as follows:

a.    Amend s. 11 vii. – consume or have in their possession any Liquor or Controlled Substance in a Park or Public Facility unless the Liquor or Controlled Substance is consumed or possessed pursuant to and in compliance with a license issued under the Liquor Control and Licensing Act S.B.C 2015, c. 19 or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C. 1996, c. 19, except under Part 3 – General Regulations, Consumption of Liquor at Selected Parks and Public Facilities;

b.    Add subsection Consumption of Liquor at Selected Parks and Public Facilities under Part 3 – General Regulations:

21. Consumption of liquor is permitted every Thursday to Saturday from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm, and every Sunday from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm from June 1st to October 31st each year at the following locations:

•    McBurney Plaza;
•    Designated area in Douglas Park; and
•    Picnic shelters at City Park.

2.    THAT, upon adoption of the amendment bylaw, City Council allocate $1,500.00 from the Enterprise Fund to prepare signage to notify the public of the liquor consumption area and permitted consumption hours.

Mayor Pachal


WHEREAS, The Government of Canada has made the decision in Budget 2023 to make municipalities responsible for all retroactive costs stemming from the latest RCMP collective bargaining agreement; and

WHEREAS, These extraordinary one-time costs, which in some jurisdictions amount to millions of dollars, will cause significant hardship for communities and residents across the country, and were negotiated without meaningful consultation or a seat at the table for the municipalities responsible for paying the bill; and

WHEREAS, Municipal governments are already paying a growing share of policing costs, but unlike other orders of government, cannot run deficits to spread out the impact of these extraordinary one-time sums, and have limited revenue tools; and

WHEREAS, Local governments will now be forced to make difficult decisions that will impact residents, such as cutting essential services, reducing policing levels, raising property taxes significantly, and/or cancelling work on local infrastructure, at a time when Canadians' concerns about community safety and the cost of living are already rising; and

WHEREAS, Going forward, it is critical that municipalities be proactively engaged in any forthcoming processes related to contract policing to prevent this occurring again;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Langley joins the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in calling on the federal government to commit to ensuring that local governments are meaningfully consulted, fully informed, and at the table on issues related to policing costs given the municipal role in keeping our communities safe;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Langley conveys this support in writing to local Members of Parliament.


THAT the meeting adjourn.