Council Chambers, Langley City Hall
20399 Douglas Crescent

Public meetings held in Council Chambers are livestreamed and recorded. The video recordings are available on the City’s website for public viewing. 

The land on which we gather is on the traditional unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwantlen, Matsqui and Semiahmoo First Nations.


THAT the February 10, 2025 regular agenda be adopted as circulated.

A Committee of the Whole meeting provides Council a greater opportunity to speak to and debate specific agenda items.


THAT Council commence the Committee of the Whole.

Gilles Assier, Executive Project Director, Surrey Langley SkyTrain Project, Transportation Investment Corporation

Presentation from Graham Flack, Deputy Chief Administrative Officer



THAT Committee of the Whole Rise and Report.

Before the motion is made to approve the Consent Agenda, a Council member may request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and dealt with separately; additionally, a Council member may request that one or more items on the Regular Council Agenda be included on the Consent Agenda, and if no one objects, it will be so listed and considered.

Where no recommendation is noted, the agenda item is deemed to be received for information.


THAT the following item(s) be approved:


THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held on January 27, 2025 be adopted as circulated.



Final reading of a bylaw to amend the Officer Establishment bylaw to update staff titles.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Officer Establishment Bylaw, 2011, No. 2855, Amendment Bylaw No. 4, 2025, No. 3309" be read a final time.

See Consent Agenda



Third reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 5501 204 Street and 20300 Douglas Crescent from C1 Downtown Commercial Zone to CD100 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a multi-phase apartment & commercial mixed-use transit-oriented development with heights of up to 14 storeys.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 210, 2025, No. 3290" be read a third time.

Third reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 20815 45A Avenue & 4560, 4570 and 4580 208 Street  from RS1 Single Family Residential Zone to CD104 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a 26-unit townhome development.


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 215, 2025, No. 3296" be read a third time.

Third reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 20239-20249 54A Avenue  from RM1 Multiple Residential Low Density Zone to CD105 Comprehensive Development Zone to permit a 6-storey, 70-unit apartment building. 


THAT the bylaw cited as "Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 216, 2025, No. 3303" be read a third time.

Final reading of a bylaw to rezone the properties located at 4503 & 4513 200 Street from RS1 Single Family Residential to RM1 Multiple Residential Low Density Zone to accommodate a 14-unit townhome development.


THAT the bylaw cited as the “Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 198, 2023, No. 3260” be read a final time.

4503 & 4513 200 Street


THAT Development Permit No. 08-22 to accommodate a 14-unit townhome development located at 4503 & 4513 200 Street be approved.

Final reading of a bylaw rezone the properties located at  20619 & 20629 Eastleigh Crescent from P2 Private Institutional/Recreation Zone to the CD92 Comprehensive Development Zone to accommodate a 6-storey, 136-unit apartment building.


THAT the bylaw cited as the “Zoning Bylaw 1996, No. 2100 Amendment No. 199, 2023, No. 3261” be read a final time.

20619 & 20629 Eastleigh Crescent 


THAT Development Permit No. 08-23 to accommodate a 6-storey, 136-unit apartment building located at 20619 & 20629 Eastleigh Crescent be approved.

Report: Chief Administrative Officer


  1. THAT City Council direct staff to explore inter-municipal recreation services cost-sharing models, with a focus on aquatic facilities, that may be applicable within the context of the City of Langley and the Township of Langley.


  2. THAT City Council direct staff to report back the findings from the exploratory work referenced in Recommendation 1 to City Council.


  3. THAT this resolution be conveyed to the Township of Langley’s Mayor Eric Woodward and further advising that following investigation into this matter, Council will subsequently respond to his request accordingly.


Report: Chief Administrative Officer


THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the Next Generation 911 Implementation and Operation Contract between the City of Langley and Metro Vancouver.

WHEREAS an Operational Review of the Langley City Fire Rescue Department was
approved in 2022’s budget, which sought to, “Engage a consultant to review the
department and make recommendations about future growth of the department and
determine if the arrival of sky train will affect department staffing.”; AND

WHEREAS this publicly funded report has yet to be released to Council;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to release this report to Council.

WHEREAS an Operational Review of the Langley City Fire Rescue Department was
approved in 2022’s budget, which sought to, “Engage a consultant to review the
department and make recommendations about future growth of the department and
determine if the arrival of sky train will affect department staffing.”; AND

WHEREAS transparency is a paramount principle of good governance; AND

WHEREAS this publicly funded report has yet to be released to the Public;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct staff to release this report publicly.

Council passed the following motion at the January 27, 2025 Closed Meeting:

"THAT the organization charts in the Closed Report dated January 21, 2025 from the Chief Administrative Officer be publicly released."

Chairperson Khelsilem, Squamish Nation Council 

Re: Invitation to partner with the Squamish Nation Council in implementing the work identified in the Climate Legacy Strategy


THAT the meeting adjourn.

No Item Selected